40 definitions by rachael

A divine feeling or transcendence gained by flying kites. A palindrome. Known popularly as the title of a Grateful Dead album.
You might find aoxomaxoa in the peaceful experience of flying a kite.
by rachael March 11, 2005
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1. To play an instraument out of tune or pretend to play an instraument

2. To be ugly

3. To annoy a large amount of people
1. That band I saw last night played very Busted.

2. He's very busted

3. He really busted us.
by rachael May 16, 2004
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a chocolate covered peanut or a jar of peanut butter and jelly mixed together
when i went to the movies with bob we got goobers after having sex in the seats
by rachael January 28, 2005
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