1 definition by r3loaded

A mental condition where the afflicted person is unable to distinguish between the countries of Sweden and Finland, despite the two being distinct from each other. This condition is usually a symptom of a lack of general geographic awareness.

This condition usually manifests itself when the sufferer attempts to convey the concept of Stockholm syndrome to others.
From the news channel in Die Hard:
Gail Wallens: Dr. Hasseldorf, what can we expect in the next few hours?
Dr. Hasseldorf: Well, Gail, by this time the hostages should be going through the early stages of the Helsinki Syndrome.
Harvey Johnson: As in Helsinki, Sweden.
Dr. Hasseldorf: Finland.

From Top Gear:
Richard Hammond: I finally understand what they mean by that, is it Helsinki syndrome, when people are being kidnapped, when they're released, miss their kidnappers.
by r3loaded August 11, 2011
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