7 definitions by pureone

a man that has changed the face of civilisation, for the worse.
"bush is the devil"
"bush is evil"
"bush is a idiot"
by pureone September 20, 2004
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~google whores

people that will post on a forum the same thing to almost any question,

"go search google"

it dont matter if they know the answer or not.

this then can make also be a waste of time if the person has already searched google.
:forum newb:
hey were can i find a tutorial on c++ or vb6.

:admin of c++ and vb6 forum:
go search google

:forum newb:
hey does anyone know were i can find a linux distro?

:linux forum mod: google.
by pureone September 25, 2004
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"a bunch of people that belive its with in there power to rule the world, the goverment is notmaly the minority in power."
""how is it the 10% of the world runs the rest of the 90%?." bastards"
by pureone September 20, 2004
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a crazy old man. he spends half the night in a yahoo chatroom talking about his moun generator.(that he never made) he also frequently threatens people with a report to the fbi,nsa,cia. beaware this man knows john ashcroft. this man was a sworn enemy of eagle_averro_isme and they have since parted. pindar has a small following of people. but his main follower goes by the handle bob_dylan_on_steroids and will not leave this old crazy man alone.
pindar would say "what the fuck are you doing you cock sucker. them hackers will get you. cock sucker.

fucker im goner make a call to john ashcroft and get you put in prison for a few nights"
by pureone September 19, 2004
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pureone a white hat by nature. not always the best speller. but good with logic, known for his love of protocols, php,and having his network card being destroyed by lightning. also known for hiting up urbandicrionary.com trying to cause trouble.

also known as a peace worrior :D
pureone once said "History will be kind to me for I intend to write it." as well as "knownledge brings power, with power comes responsiblity you must know how to handle responsiblity"
by pureone September 20, 2004
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