123 definitions by pseudonym

1. One who engages in oral sex with a male.
2. One who engages in oral sex with a male while simultaneously humming.

The origins of this word come from Sean and Joe, taken from the original Middle English word bage pipiere. It is said this way because the male anatomy can be compared to a bag pipe.
1. Your a fuckin bag piper steve.
2. Last night I was hanging out with that girl, and she totally bag piped me.
3. Lawanda was bag piping so hard last night that she got the "Eye of the Tiger" stuck in my wang.
by pseudonym March 10, 2005
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1. One who engages in oral sex with a male.
2. One who engages in oral sex with a male while at the same time humming simultaneously

The origins of this word come from Sean and Joe, taken from the original Middle English word bage pipiere. It is said this way because the male anatomy can be compared to a bag pipe.
1. Steve is a fuckin bag piper.
2. Last night I was hanging out with that girl, and she totally bag piped me.
3. She was bag piping so hard last night that she got the "Eye of the Tiger" stuck in my wang.
by pseudonym March 10, 2005
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Schools in for children of the rich

HIGH SCHOOLS: Harvard-Westlake, Marlborough, Marymount, Archer school, Buckley

PRESCHOOL: Center for Early Education aka Center for Early Materialism , All Saints' School, Circle of Children aka Circle of Rich Kids

Most of the people who go to these schools are very dumb!
My daughter just got into to Marymount school! Not only will she fit in cause she is a slut but she also had to buy her way in!!!
by pseudonym February 17, 2005
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