80 definitions by provider44

someone who's robust balls are more awe inspiring than their cock
My balls are rather ordinary but Handy's girlfriend claims he has thunder dumplings underneath his nondescript member.
by provider44 January 14, 2010
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someone who has stabbed in the back like a coward and in the front like a courageous asshole so many times that its hard to tell which one they are
'Cedric is such an ambivalent curio. A pure blooded side-stabber if there ever was one. He secretly screwed me out of $100 last week, then he told his boyfriend that he was having an affair with his mother, then he actually butchered his girlfriend with a dirk from all angles'
by provider44 January 14, 2010
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to go on a reality show , knowing that you have no chance of winning, in search of fame.
I think that woman just pulled a platt. She is barred from qualifying because she exceeds the age requirement by 20 gosh darn years.
by provider44 January 17, 2010
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working with intense focus towards a much needed goal
Cole is pluggin' and sluggin' with lucid mind and tenacious focus with the hopes that one day his constant advances towards Milly will end in him possessing her heart.
by provider44 January 17, 2010
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A vacation day taken to view American Idol. (a day not yet in the lexicon of excused work days)
I took an Idol Day at work so that I could indulge in the bizarre troika of self deluded exhibitionism,bravura performances and the one man army known as Simon.
by provider44 January 14, 2010
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someone whose breath is so nose melting that you would swear that they put poop on their tooth brush.
Rocky's breath was so rotten that even the dog knew he was a poop-paster
by provider44 January 15, 2010
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to stroke someones face in order to cool their fears and soothe their mood
As Clyde faded out of consciousness in the arms of Mary we all knew that the face pet she was applying would have no effect in this dire situation.
by provider44 January 17, 2010
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