95 definitions by poop

Late; Lated; The act of Lating.

Utterly dominated, destroyed, owned, raped, superior.
Killed by one shot to the head from a .50 cal Desert Eagle.

by poop March 20, 2005
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tamagotchi's are were cool, weren't cool, cool again. but they do their business about every five seconds
my recomendation? don't get one, no need. plus you cant turn them off
"aw crap my tamagotchi just took a dump again"
by poop August 30, 2004
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furry creature that humps D.I.L.F's legs
eek eek bump bump, furry e-walk like to hump
by poop August 26, 2003
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a band that would be good if the singer was not the singer. he sucks
opeth has cool guitar parts, but theyre not really a good band. maybe he has 3 testicles, he should donate some to axl rose
by poop July 3, 2004
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can be used in replace of some words such as "shit" and "fuck" or anything else after something dumb has occured to oneself
Dude 1: 2+2=5
dude 2: it totally equals 4
dude 1: CRAST!
by poop April 9, 2005
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german word for pussy.

a bit outdated these days, often used for guys who don't behave well (telling you are disappointed about him in a funny way)
"du bist zu spät du funz"

"you are too late, my little pussy"
by poop April 16, 2005
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