95 definitions by poop

-something that is cool/attractive
-for singular people
- we are talking about one person here.
-kthnxbye's sister in law and kewliez's brother.
" justin is a total hottiez!"
" that bag is hottiez like whoa"
by poop June 25, 2003
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Also called Arnie, Arludia, or Aaron. A very odd creature who pulls off a great retard impression but is also dead sexy in his own queer way.
Daaaaayyyyyyuuuummmmm.... Arnelda, you be one sexy motha fugga! (HOLLA)!
by poop December 23, 2004
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people who are mentally handicaped, loosbian
Alexis once said freeforthirtyninecents.
Shes a retard.
by poop August 4, 2004
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Acronym: Red On The Head Like A Dick On A Dog

Used to refer to any redheaded step-child.
Where's rothladoad? Oh, he's drinking all my beer and punching holes in the walls.
by poop January 30, 2005
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