10 definitions by pookiesgramma

a sound used before barfing
friend: i ate 3 jars of mayo me: glarg
by pookiesgramma December 4, 2017
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i put salt on sand then a tube thing came up that was a razor clam
by pookiesgramma June 29, 2017
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a brown substance from the anus
corn poop: the poop with corn in it
green poop : a green poop

green corn poop: the poop that has corn and is green
killer poop: the poop that hurts so bad that it feels like it could kill you
shotgun poop: the poop that fires out of ya bum like a shotgun
gun poop: like the shotgun poop but only one poop instead of 4 bursts of thick diarrhea

nugget: a little ball of poop
the trots: diarrhea

fart trots: when you think you will fart but you push too hard and end up pooping your pants
hot poop: a burning poop
crawling poop: the kind that you try to push out but end up just farting and not pooping
monster poop: the poop that is so big that you can not believe it can flush
clean poop: the kind that you poop but there is nothing on the paper
me: i had a big poop!!!
by pookiesgramma November 4, 2017
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the thing that is healthier than butter and no it is not plastic
I hoped for my dad to get more margarine but he said it was plastic
by pookiesgramma March 17, 2018
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1. Short for Ewekeucker.
2. A vile GREEN substance created by an ewekeucker.

Better get some Couth
by pookiesgramma December 8, 2018
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a clam that has closed on a crab's leg
a crab feels a pain in its leg the cause of this was a crab clam
by pookiesgramma July 18, 2017
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Poo well I've had a lot of poos we have

The sparkler: when you release a huge poo that hurts like crazy it made me scream in pain
the sticky: when a poop sticks to your hand and you have to wash it off
the normal: dude it's just a plain poo
The corn: a poo that has corn
The veggies: a poo that has veggie pieces in it
The hot trots: hot diarrhea

The trots: diarrhea

The monster: a poo taller than the toilet water
The green: green poo from food coloring

The bad: poo that is yellow from low bile or from food coloring
The hot trots icky: burning liquid poo that is clear with a brownish tint to it like the sticky poo
Those are just some of the poops I've had
by pookiesgramma July 19, 2017
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