1 definition by pony111

A gorgeous young lass who thrives on everything that life throws at her. She is beautiful, smart and a pleasure to look at...for days. She has short hair, somewhat asymmetrical to emphasize her inner longing to be different from all else. A vegetarian on the verge of vegan-ism. Has an ass of a goddess and eyes of an angel, if that angel were a product of intergalactic coitus between gaseous Saturn rings and Niagara falls!
She would rather be an amazing social worker than pursue a lucrative law career. She has her blonde moments, but is not afraid to laugh at her own self. Seeing her face brightens up a room full of gloom. If Jessica Alba and God were to engage in coitus, Ashanti will be God's Mother.
guy 1: holly guacomole, is that Ashanti?
guy 2: i think so, she is stunning..
they never washed their eyes ever again.

If she is not Ashanti, she is not worth it.

ass angel jessica alba gorgeous amazeballs
by pony111 August 31, 2012
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