10 definitions by ponte

4 hits of LSD on paper that usually have not been cut by scissors into individual hits
Don't handle the quad with your fingers or else you will absorb some of the LSD and reduce the strength of it. Use tweezers!
by ponte September 10, 2006
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Taiwanese slang for a nerd. Stands for si piao piao
She's so SPP. (ta name spp)
by ponte September 10, 2006
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a young stoner in public school who has been a tobacco smoker for such a time that it has stunted his/her growth
Nelly is always hanging around with those shrubs at the breezeway. I think she might be doing weed now. Can Furtado even afford it?
by ponte September 10, 2006
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an old grey-haired or blue-rinse bitch

also see old biddy
I tried to tell her that we don't give refunds, but the old bitty just kept on bitching.
by ponte September 10, 2006
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1. manipulative behaviour e.g. reverse psychology
2. predicting what will happen

Unfortunately, shitheads will sometimes mistake when a person is just simply predicting an unfortunate consequence due to a shithead's actions and accuse that person of "playing mind games."

See Mark McKinney from Kids in the Hall references to "mind games"
by ponte September 10, 2006
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Quando d'estate il sudore dello scroto si mescola e fa discendere nella mutanda il resto delle feci, ecco che si forma la sugna. Che poi sarebbe la salsa marroncina che mettono sopra lo stinco di maiale
Un esempio di sugna è la scorreggina estiva con sorpresa
by ponte June 12, 2015
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slang term for Vancouver in British Columbia, Canada. So named because there is so little sunshine in Vancouver that most people are clinically depressed and thus bitching all the time.
God, I can tell you're from Bitchcouver.
by ponte September 10, 2006
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