36 definitions by polo

any type of decoration or accessory that sparks interest or curiousity among first-time onlookers.

Often they will ask questions regarding its origin, how you acquired it...etc. , thus leading to a conversation.
"I don't know how you got that Model T Ford in your living room, but I gotta say it does make an intersting conversation piece!"
by polo September 7, 2004
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someone who is shy, hesitant, or afraid to have a voice in social situations.
"try not to be a shrinking violet at the gathering tonight,
everyone there will be casual and no one will bite!"
by polo March 22, 2007
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single; unattached (and usually happy about it); the ability to date and/or sleep with whoever you want, whenever you want and have multiple sexual partners.

(derived from the expression "there are plenty of fish in the sea").
Glen Quaqmire - "heh heh diggity diggity...yeah man...freedom of the sea....nothin' like it in the whole wide world....diggity dggity...heh heh heh...awwwwwwwwlriiiight!"
by polo August 26, 2006
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derived from an old children's adage "finders keepers, losers weepers",which basically asserts that anything found or discovered by someone automatically entitles them to ownership of that property.
"so that bag of money that fell off the armored car onto your front lawn...you gonna return it to the bank?"

"nope. finders keepers....so see you in Mexico!"
by polo November 29, 2004
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a revolutionary new idea or concept, having mostly a positive effect to society.
The assembly line was the brainchild of Henry Ford, ushering in mass production of automobiles and significantly reducing their price for a while.
by polo July 16, 2006
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another way of saying that any information recieved from a certain source can't be taken seriously because that source has been wrong before, or lacks credibility.
"hey did you hear Elvis is still alive?? he was seen at a casino in vegas last week! actually they say he's even the owner!!"

"get out! where'd you hear that from?"

"oh I read it in the enquirer."

"hah! I should have known."

"what, you mean you don't believe it??"

"are you kidding?? I mean, come on...consider the source already!"
by polo September 7, 2004
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what you say to someone who says something that you disapprove of
Sammy: "say Sally, isn't your 40th birthday just around the corner?"

Sally: (with icy look in her eyes) ".....bite your tongue old man!"
by polo January 25, 2006
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