24 definitions by phill

The bearded vandalear, this snappy chappy will bite ur nose and tweak ur nipples, beware! :o
"fancy a tange.....,nah i'd like a lem0n pls.
by phill June 8, 2003
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an american disco-rock band from detriot that specialise in makeing weak people feel sick, those of us who can withstand are able to prasie them for a good effort
you, i wanna take you to a meat farm, wanna take you to a meat farm wanna take you to a meat farm,meat farm, meat farm, meat farm...... raaaaaaaaaaa
by phill January 18, 2004
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a girls wet soaky red bloody period soaks all over her tight jeans making it noticable for people to see its shiny wetness
Damn look at that girls friut rollup dripping all over the floor leaving a wet trail!
by phill March 5, 2005
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A Wes!!!!
Someone that is a cross between their mother and father????
by phill March 14, 2004
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a befin machine is a car which looks like a wennus n it is black
o my good phill n mike saw a beefing machine 2 day
by phill April 14, 2004
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An expansion upon the word ghetto, in which a nigga takes on the characteristics of a ghetto. A ghetto is where they live, ghettopoly is their lifstyle
He isnt living in the ghetto, he is living in ghettopoly.
by phill October 23, 2003
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