189 definitions by phil

The backyard of the Bronx. Population 200,000, 18 square miles.
McLean Avenue divides Yonkers from the Bronx.
by phil January 26, 2004
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A Flat Footed kick. The most embarising way to receive a kick. By turning one foot 90 degree, thus opening it up to deliver the blow.
I shovel kicked Farley in the nuts last weekend, he went down like a fag.
by phil March 2, 2003
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leto means owen, a small derargoatry term meaning, SNIFFER!!!
by phil January 17, 2005
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a huge, thick peice of shit. when you touch it, it feels solid and not hollow.. it usually takes 2-5 flushes to get this bad boy in the ocean
george bush is such a corn log
by phil May 4, 2004
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3 or more dicks fitting into a girls mouth at once.
<dude 1> hey what was that thing we gave to Stephanie K. last night?
<dude 2> we fed her a cock salad
<dude 1> lol
<dude 2> lol
by phil May 11, 2004
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a condom filled with your own excretion after masturbation and dropped off a tall building onto someone below
100 points if you drop it onto a prostitute
by phil February 4, 2005
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