8 definitions by phbl

Instead of waiting in line for a mile or four at a congested off ramp, driving as close to the junction/barrier to the exit in a faster lane and darting ahead of the lineup when there is a large enough gap created by a transport trucker or typical Houston driver who is distracted by the bowl they are packing with one hand while texting with the other hand.

A perfectly executed Houston shuffle is when the shuffler's vehicle rear does not protrude into the previous lane, they did so without going over a solid white and/or pylons (as 12 sometimes issue tickets solely for poorly executed shuffles), and vehicles behind cannot get offended because after all they created a 4-car-legnth gap ahead of them that was ripe for a Houston shuffle.
Rochelle-Alexandria: Hey that's the line for the off ramp we need, I guess we gotta wait in line for 15 minutes.
BHSLF: Naw girl! I'll just do a Houston shuffle. Like threading a needle you just gotta find the right gap ahead of a slower or distracted homie. Then we'll hit the exit in 30 seconds instead and I won't feel bad because we are using all available space.
by phbl May 12, 2019
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1) a half asian half caucasian girl.
2) a tasty treat
rochelle: "hey that asian girl is cute!"
vlad: "she isn't asian, she's half asian half white. she's a banana bubble tea."
by phbl February 26, 2019
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How a caker (Canadian) and some Minnesotans pronounce the English word: bag.
Justin: Sorree! Can you please put my retail purchase into a baig? Pardon but I can't carry all these baigs of milk under my arms.
Brian: Pardon! Our dear government banned plastic baigs. You have to buy a cotton baig for us for $3 plus 13% PST and remember to bring it into the store next time.

Justin: Sorree! I will take two of those cotton baigs. What a great thing for the environment this totally is!
by phbl October 8, 2023
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Just like the famous premier of Alberta, showing up to work extremely hung over and only able to complete the minimum required as a result of the previous night's bender.
Cornelius: "Cleatus looks like death and he is sure is stacking those pallets slowly"
Carlton: "That is because he is Ralph Klein-ing it today".
by phbl August 2, 2010
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A simple well drink cocktail comprising of double or triple vodka with a conservative splash of cranberry juice served on the rocks in a short glass with a straw that is consumed on a work or school-night.

Origin: in the fifth task of the eighth season of Celebrity Apprentice (2009), retired NBA champion Dennis Rodman got fired because he was ineffective on the task due to a hang over from consuming several vodka-diulted vodka-cranberries with Tom Green the night before. Thus the Dennis Rodman cocktail.
Lashaya: Hi Carlton happy hump day and welcome back to my bar. What would you like to drink tonight sweetie?
Carlton: I want to drink to forget even though I have an important work day tomorrow. I would like a Dennis Rodman (cocktail) please.

Lashaya: Triple vodka with a shot of cran in a short glass and a straw for maximum efficent sippage you got it.
by phbl September 9, 2023
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Named after a radical leftist political party in Canada that hates budgets and loves taking it easy, the NDP. An NDP lunch is an early-starting and inordinately lengthy lunch period taken by the NDP's core supporters: government, non-profit, make-work, and NGO workers who have lots of free time during normal work hours.

An NDP lunch will start before 11:30am and can end no earlier than 1:45pm.

The NDP lunch, previously a luxury reserved only for managerial level employees, became accessible to all level of worker and social assistance beneficiary when work from home was imposed during the Rona. The popularity of the NDP lunch is one of the many reasons why government work-from-home employees are violently resisting showing up to a workplace three (3) days a week where NDP lunches are not tolerated.
Liam: "Hey comrade let's go for lunch! I don't have meetings until 2."

Cornelius: "Bro I am not your comrade, it's 10:45 am, and I am not a work from home government worker. I cannot take an NDP lunch on a work day which for me is 6 days a week because the NDP keeps taxing my business."
by phbl January 22, 2023
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when you bangin' doggy style in a car with a sunroof and you need the extra headroom so you open in order to stick your head out.
yo la'tecia, imma open the sunroof so i can bang you giraffe style.
by phbl July 15, 2017
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