4 definitions by pav996r

Commonly found within a large government department human resource division are the elderly human resource consultant specialist managers, otherwise refered to as Human Remains (HR).
Those HR fuckers have no idea.
by pav996r October 12, 2006
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When having sex with a really inexperienced female who lays on her back with her arms out above her head, legs apart and doesn't really do much other than that - like a star fish.
I was screwing her last night and she was a total star fish.
by pav996r October 12, 2006
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Someone who has been in a gym lifting weights and loves to show off their muscles afterwards by wearing their tank top in public places.
Who does this bubble boy think he is?
by pav996r October 12, 2006
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A girl that is really attractive but not capable of holding a conversation with.
That girl is a total bubble skirt.
by pav996r October 12, 2006
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