4 definitions by patriotsaaron0218

The phrase someone close to you says before they point out a flaw, something you did or are currently doing wrong, a mistake you made, something embarrassing, or something just flat out mean. This phrase is mostly used by parents and spouses, not so much by close friends and non-immediate family members.
Example 1

Mom: Jerry, you know I love you, but you did a really shitty job at sweeping the kitchen floor.

Jerry: Ugh you always say that before you yell at me for something stupid.

Dad: Allan, you know I love you, but that haircut you got today makes you look very homosexual.

Allan: Wow thanks.
by patriotsaaron0218 January 29, 2011
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An expression generally used during Online Multiplayer in Call Of Duty; meaning that your party won nearly all of the matches in the period of an hour or so while playing in the same lobby.
Dave: Yeah man you shouldn't have gotten off last night. A few games after you left we totally raped the room! We were unstoppable!

Aaron: Damn that sucks. We always rape the room.
by patriotsaaron0218 December 27, 2011
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A combination of the words "Fresh" and "Precious". Usually used when someone fly or fresh looking is doing something precious; for example, two very attractive looking people kissing.
Did you see Alex and Mandy's Christmas Card? It was so Freshicious, they look great together.
by patriotsaaron0218 January 13, 2011
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The act of accidentally and constantly sending a blank text message, causing the receiver to see: (Page)
Aaron: I think my girlfriend was butt texted me or something.. I swear she was on a page rage all night!

Ahmad: Yeah that's happened to me before
by patriotsaaron0218 January 9, 2011
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