8 definitions by parallel_master

Costco shoppers who park their cart next to the free sample stand, waiting for the next batch to be ready. Usually parking in such a way that blocks easy access to other carts, discouraging other sample seekers.
Amy: "Hey, we should go get some free samples."

Matt: "Nah, it's already surrounded by sample squatters."

Amy: "Let's go ram their carts!"

Matt: "Now you're talkin'."
by parallel_master September 24, 2017
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Phrase uttered when encountering an unexpected hipster sighting in the wild. Can also be used to poke fun at a friend who just inadvertently said something hipster.
"There's something deeply noble about growing your own vegetables."

"Hipster alert!"
by parallel_master June 5, 2018
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Like batshit crazy, only shittier and battier.
My ex-girlfriend was shitbat crazy, but she was great in bed.
by parallel_master December 8, 2017
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A person pooping in a public restroom, who goes immediately silent when someone else enters the facility as if embarrassed to be pooping in public.
Guy #1:"It sure is quiet in here, but I can tell someone's in that stall."

Guy #2: "Probably just a shy shitter."
by parallel_master September 24, 2017
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acronym for People I'd Like to Kill
all these assholes are going on my PILK list
by parallel_master December 8, 2017
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I drank some of my roommate's milk, and later he went all passive aggro and wrote his name on all his food with black marker.
by parallel_master October 6, 2017
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A fake English accent. Short for pretend English, or pretentious English.
Guy: "Blimey! That bloke's a bloody wanker! Bullocks!"

Other guy: "Stop speaking Pretenglish, you're from Arizona."
by parallel_master April 2, 2019
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