6 definitions by pansmexy

An attack from a large group of stans. A stanpede will use tactics such as death threats, doxxing, and canceling to retaliate against someone who has a negative opinion of the person they stan.
Person 1: I hate BTS
Person 2: Don’t say that on Twitter, the stanpede will come for you
by pansmexy April 6, 2021
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In a DID/OSDD system, co-consciousness, or co-con, is when two or more alters are fronting at the same time.
System: Yeah, we don’t think so.

Singlet: We?
System: Sorry, forgot to tell you. We’re co-conscious right now—Daniel and Void are fronting together.

Singlet: Oh, I see.
by pansmexy August 10, 2021
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A stan of the YouTuber GeorgeNotFound. Equivalent to an inniter.
Person 1: Omg wasn't George so cute in Tommy's new video??
Person 2: Why are you a notfounder
by pansmexy April 19, 2021
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In a DID/OSDD system, an introject is an alter based on something or someone.
This is our favorite singer. Our system has an introject based on them!
by pansmexy August 9, 2021
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OSDD, or Other Specified Dissociative Disorder (also known as DDNOS), is a group of dissociative trauma disorders that are similar to existing dissociative disorders, but do not fit the full diagnostic criteria. There are four types.
OSDD-1: For when someone appears to have DID, but either does not have distinct alters or does not experience amnesia between alters (known as OSDD-1a and 1b, respectively).
OSDD-2: For when someone experiences a dissociative identity disturbance due to brainwashing, torture, being in a cult, or other “prolonged and intense coercive persuasion.”
OSDD-3: For when experiences acute dissociative reactions to stressful events, typically for less than a month.

OSDD-4: For when someone experiences an unexpected dissociative trance.
My friend is the host of an OSDD-1b system.
by pansmexy December 31, 2022
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An introject in a DID/OSDD system that takes the form of a real person. Factives may take the form of abuser, a person close to the system, or even a celebrity.
Our system has a factive of a family friend.
by pansmexy December 31, 2022
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