1 definition by panda!panda!panda!

A woman who is wise above others in the art of sexual satisfaction and love. In ancient times, these women were considered to be priestesses and were given their own temples where they could teach their art to others for a large sum of money. These women were highly respected and cherished for their extensive knowledge of lovemaking/giving, and their spiritual understanding.

Later, the christian religion would have a great negative effect on these women's lives, mostly because the spiritual beliefs of these cunt-lovin' cultures were pagan (a big no-no to chiristianity). as christianity spread, people started to see sex as a sin, and the priestesses were slowly blacklisted. today, this christian idea of sex as a sin still stands, and hookers are now considered criminals.
that hooker is one strong, cunt-lovin' individual.
by panda!panda!panda! March 6, 2006
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