25 definitions by pamschel

If one could consider the internet itself as being similar to a "cloud", in the way that it seemingly floats ubiquitously over everything and is not owned by anyone, cloud computing is using a cheap, rudimentary computer terminal as the only hardware you need in order to accomplish fully functional computing.
Man! Alhamdullilah that each one of us is finally able through cloud computing to stop being tied down to all that duplicative hardware!
by pamschel May 19, 2008
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The Viet-Cong were cowardly soldiers fighting America, Australia, South Korea and Canada among other white nations. The Viet-Cong fought on behalf of international communism and were financed and equipped by the giant commie powers of USSR and China. They fought in a cowardly manner in that while we all wore military uniforms but they pretended to be ordinary citizens of the RVN during the day, but they would go out at night or whenever they had a chance to try to kill us using cowardly methods such as concealed land mines on trails we would be likely to use, and setting grenades to go off with trip wires, and concealing sharpened punji sticks covered with their own shit to cause foot injuries in the feet of the GI's. For a time, before we blocked them, they used little kids to drop grenades into the gas tanks of GI vehicles. The grenade had the pin pulled with the triggering lever held down only by a rubber band.
Despite all their backing and their treacherous butchery, the Viet-Cong were so thoroughly dominated by our forces that they had to sign off in 1973 on the Paris Peace Treaty as the only way to get us out of there. After that they proved their treachery once again so that as soon as all of us GI's were gone in reliance on the 1973 treaty, also signed by "North Vietnam", they re-invaded the south in 1975 with massive military power provided to them again by international communist assholes.Too bad for them all that communism was subsequently shown to be a demonic failure as a governmental system.
My favorite double-time chant yelled in time with the footsteps at Basic Combat Training is:
Bob: Let's travel over to Vietnam to check out the places we were stationed.
Phil: I'm will never go to visit a bunch of treaty-breaking communist elites. Don't you know that members of the Viet-Cong are still there pretending to be high government officials? They only time I'm going to go there again is with a military invasion force to invade them from Saigon to Hanoi. All they deserve is total invasion because of their 1973 treaty violation and to free the people of Vietnam who are again suffering under tyrannical communism.
by pamschel January 14, 2008
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A person who reacts negatively when he learns that unmarried persons are engaging in sexual intercourse. Typically used with "old".
Don't tell Bob you slept with me last night, he's an old Fuddy Duddy about that sort of thing and it will ruin his day.
by pamschel December 22, 2006
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A patient who consents to submit to radical surgery or who otherwise consents to submit to extensive procedures or lifetime pill purchases, etc. in a case which has each of the following elements:
1. Where other doctors, if consulted, might not agree that the condition is serious enough to justify recommending such a painful, dangerous, extensive and expensive course of treatment and;
2. Where the treating doctor's opinion and recommendation have been improperly influenced by the fact that if the patient consents, the doctor's financial circumstances will improve, enabling the doctor to continue to repay medical school loans, office expenses, loans for expensive diagnostic and other equipment and where the doctor's primary love is for money and where his primary goal is to become wealthy, and;
3. Where the patient's insurance or personal wealth has resulted in a passing score for the patient in the patient's wallet biopsy.
Doctor x: It's Monday morning, Dr. Y, let's look over the list of appointments for this week and see if there are any patients who might qualify to become another one of our meat puppets.
Dr. Y: Yes, I agree that we should review this week's patient files for possible additional meat puppets. I've just learned that my heavy investment in Monoposuck has tanked because of everyone suddenly moving to cloud computing accessible with cheap computer terminals and open source software.
by pamschel February 13, 2008
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