11 definitions by palabrajot

One who listens to Public Radio exclusively and unquestioningly, then has an irresistible compulsion to repeat whatever they just heard on it to co-workers, friends, family, acquaintances, strangers, etc.
John in Human Resources is a total NPR2D2! Every time I run into him in the break room, he has to quote from "All Things Considered," "Fresh Air," or "Prairie Home Companion." He never listens to anything else!
by palabrajot September 16, 2010
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When a chat goes wonky and dialog repeats at odd moments so you can hardly communicate.
Typical backwords:

User 1: Waddup?
User 2: Hey
User 1: Goin to Dave's party?
User 2: Prob
User 1: Cool
User 2: Guess what?
User 1: What?
User 2: Prob
User 1: What?
User 2: Guess what?
User 1: Prob
User 2: wtf?
by palabrajot November 8, 2010
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A person who has the cringeworthy habit of letting silverware scrape against their teeth when they eat. Go ahead and try it yourself, then you'll know how uncomfortable it feels, and therefore, what this says about the forkscraper: that they're a weirdo.
Sarah was a constant forkscraper on our first date, which was the dealbreaker for me, because it's rilly obnoxious.
by palabrajot September 16, 2010
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An unusual obsession with buttocks, and especially a tendency to visually fixate upon buttocks when out in public, or in other social situations.
"That's the 15th woman today you've stared at too long because she had a nice can, Josh! You're more than just an assman, you've got Assperger's!"
by palabrajot August 16, 2011
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The musky, funky odor of a dirty dog, which permeates everything they lie or sit upon. Making them go for a swim only makes it worse. The only thing that works is professional-grade pet shampoo and lots of warm water.

Their paws also smell like salty cornchips, because that is where their sweat glands are located. Pee-ew!
Don't go into my grandmother's Jeep Grand Cherokee... she has two Retrievers, and that vehicle is full o' fur and dogstank!
by palabrajot October 1, 2010
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---Last night, in the dark, I stepped barefoot on my tainted glove, thrown carelessly upon the floor and forgotten about in the postcoital confusion.

by palabrajot October 10, 2010
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The phenomenon whereby groups of males suddenly appear out of nowhere due to the presence of attractive women, free beer, a neighbor's barbecue, running power equipment, or anything else that would draw men like flies.
--That's strange...It was all hot chicks in here just a minute ago when I got up to use the terlet, and when I came back, the bar was swarming with guys!

--Classic case of maninfestation! I saw it on Discovery Channel.
by palabrajot October 5, 2010
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