10 definitions by oscar wilde

Not to be confused with the Three Stooges, The Stooges were a truly groundbreaking band and the godfathers of punk. They helped give rise to Iggy Pop, a legend of punk and one of the greatest frontmen around. Mick Jagger and Alice Cooper both take pages out of Iggy's book. Their influence can be best seen in bands like the MC5, the Ramones, The Damned, and most recently Velvet Revolver.
Man, I would rather listen to the Stooges any day over that Good Charlotte shit
by oscar wilde February 14, 2005
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A literary genius and paragon of wit, paradox and meaning. His most famous work may be "The Picture of Dorian Gray", a book about a man who ceases to age, but his portrait continues to grow older, driving him to insanity and suicide. His last words, perhaps the funniest dying words in history, were "Either that wallpaper goes, or I do." He went.
I wish I could be smart like Oscar Wilde
by oscar wilde February 14, 2005
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A band representing the national trend of taking a good, out-there, little-known band and blowing them up to the point that they are no longer good and out-there. This can be especially frustrating for those that purchased their CD before anyone else even knew who they were. Other examples of this include Coldplay and the movie Napolean Dynamite.
"I want to watch Napolean Dynamite again!"
"No dude, it got completly Franz Ferdinanded. Let's watch Pulp Fiction instead"
by oscar wilde February 8, 2005
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