10 definitions by oscar wilde

A person aligned to a political party primarily concerned with liberal causes such as the enviroment, education, a de-emphasis on state's rights, strict construction, healthcare, 1st amendment rights and separation of church and state. In short, democrats are paragons of truth, virtue, and logic. The US would be a better place with more Democrats around.
Once we get a Democrat in the Oval Office, the country will get back on track.
by oscar wilde February 16, 2005
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The first amendment? Hah!
Separation of church and state you say? What's that?
It's bad to incur trillions in war debts for a war that was unecessary in the first place and as a side effect triggered the hatred of our country by every educated nation in the world, an economy in shambles, and a nation divided? Silence, flip-flopper. Dubya's one hell of a president.
"Hey man, torturing Iraqi prisoners in violation of the Geneva Convention, cavorting about with fascist evangelicals and failing to include a trillion dollar war in the federal budget isn't THAT bad"
"Shut up, George Bush"
by oscar wilde February 12, 2005
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The Premier of NSW Australia has been the centre of many scandals including destroying records, dating staff that were taking kick backs and not declaring conflicts of interest. A Gladys is the opposite of a Karen. A Gladys is a manager that thinks they have an exemption from ethics, record keeping keeping, complying with legislation or acknowledging moral culpability.
She destroyed all the records of kick backs and corruption. What a pork barreling Gladys.
by oscar wilde November 30, 2020
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1. A fast food chain that serves fried chicken. And it is good.
2. Large or of large proportions
1. Lets go to Kentucky Fried Chicken and get some wings
2. That house is as big as Kentucky Fried Chicken
by oscar wilde April 10, 2005
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Groups of lesbians creating power bases within organisations. A tier of management or job role that requires one to be a gay female too apply or progress.
You will never drive a dump truck at a mine site, you’re a man. You have to be a member of Lesbollah to get that job.
by oscar wilde June 3, 2018
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A VASTLY overrated band, capitalizing on the recent Franz Ferdinand dance-rock craze (which is also vastly overrated) Music like this tends to be popular with musically retarded guys looking for "indie cred" and superficial girls trying to show that they are musically enlightened because they "like a weird new band I heard on MTV2". In actuality, they don't think it gets much better than shit like Ryan Cabrera and Maroon 5.
You can always tell who a Killers fan is by the fact that he or she can only name one Killers song (somebody told me)
by oscar wilde February 14, 2005
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1. A pleasant, if boring, city in North Dakota
2. The resulting red mark on a girl's face after she is slapped by a penis
1. The people in Bismark were nice, but I left because I was bored out of my mind.
2. Haley came out of Mike's dorm with a bismark.
by oscar wilde February 14, 2005
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