21 definitions by oh dear, I'm nothing to you.

A 2017 animated movie based entirely on a fictuous plot revolving around emojis. Emojis are pictographs used in text to represent an idea or the mood of the text's subject (i.e. "I can't believe they would make a movie based on emojis 🙄").

The Emoji Movie's plot is about an emoji named Gene who can make multiple expressions. He lives inside of a teenager's phone, and one day, the teenager gets texted by his crush. Alex, the teenager, decides to send an emoji back. Gene is called on to do the job, he screws up, and gets the emoji police after him.

So basically he meets this emoji named Hi-5, who used to be popular, but now isn't, for obvious reasons. Hi-5 takes him to this hacker girl who can take to the cloud (which I still don't know because I never watched the movie and just read it on Wikipedia instead) to be fixed. The hacker's name is Jailbreak, and she turns out to be your average badass heroine cliché.

The trio goes around, explores and screws up some apps in Alex's phone, Gene and Jailbreak end up falling in love because emojis can apparently have hormones too, crap happens, and there's this ultimate showdown which I don't really care about. They win, have a happy reunion-celebration-whatever, because everything has to work out in movies (see: The Fault In Our Stars). The end!

Also I'm pretty sure no one cares about Alex and his crush so I'll just leave that out
The Emoji Movie's concept seems rather... ridiculous. I'd rather watch a movie based on Siri.
by oh dear, I'm nothing to you. November 10, 2017
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A day that is typically associated with romance, love, and affection, despite the fact that a saint named Valentine died on this day.

Also a day where people living the single life draw more attention to themselves, because they're "all alone and have nobody to spend the day with."

No offense to loners, guys. I'm single and ready to eat Pringles.
One perk about Valentine's Day is getting free candy, especially chocolate.
by oh dear, I'm nothing to you. November 10, 2017
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A cult dedicated to the two tall British needs Dan Howell and Phil Lester

yes, it's a cult
The phandom is literally everywhere. There is no escape.
by oh dear, I'm nothing to you. November 7, 2017
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An event that is celebrated on the 31st of October. Kids and young teens commonly dress up as a character (fictuous or real), and then go walking around the streets of their neighborhood to collect candy.

This celebration is an excuse to invite people over and have a giant party (despite the fact that Halloween is usually on a weekday), as long as they wear costumes so it's Halloween-appropriate.

This celebration is also an excuse to eat however much candy you want.

I've nicknamed this holiday 'Diabetes Day' due to all the candy.
Once, my little brother went trick-or-treating around just to get the candy, despite having absolutely no costume for Halloween.
by oh dear, I'm nothing to you. November 10, 2017
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Homo sapiens. The only species so far to have slaughtered thousands of the same kind (ex. Hiroshima). Probably a major disappointment to God Himself, since they are His creation. Strangely enough, they seem to consider themselves in a category above animal, even though that's what they are.
Humans are mammals, so yes, they're considered animals as well.
by oh dear, I'm nothing to you. November 7, 2017
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This is a Mandarin Chinese phrase typically used in greeting. The term literally means "you good" ('ni' means 'you' and hao' means 'good'), but is used as a "hello" or "hi".

If a 'ma' is added to the end of the phrase, its meaning is changed to something like "Are you well?" This is also a phrase used in greeting others, as it's polite.
"Ni hao ma?"
What I like about speaking in foreign languages is that you can say literally anything, and most people won't know what in heck it means.

I also know two cusswords in Japanese
by oh dear, I'm nothing to you. November 10, 2017
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