21 definitions by oh dear, I'm nothing to you.

This is a question typically asked by others who have noticed something off in your behavior, and care about you enough to ask it.

This question is asked to confirm that the inquired person is in a sound physical, mental, or emotional state.

The question "are you okay?" is usually met with a lie, because the person will feel that they don't need to worry the others, or that they just can't explain it, or talk about anything right now.
"Hey, are you okay?"
"Why would I be?"
by oh dear, I'm nothing to you. November 10, 2017
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The label that you get slapped with like you're constantly sad all the time, that you're broken and you need to be fixed, that everyone tries to "help" you with their "professional therapy" and hold sessions where you have to talk about your damn feelings.

The condition that can so easily mark you out from other happy, normal people in life.

The magic word that can instantly provide all your excuses in the 21st century.

The term that idiotic kids don't understand and keep misusing, just like so many other words that come into their lives that they can't grasp.

Something that even I don't understand at times.

I'm so tired of this word.
"Why do you always look like you're depressed?"
"Are you an emo?"
"Why do you always look so tired all the time?"

I am.

Is this what you call depression?
by oh dear, I'm nothing to you. November 9, 2017
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"Thornclaw... oh yeah, the patrol guy. Hello, Thornclaw, do you want me to go on the dawn patrol or the evening patrol?"
by oh dear, I'm nothing to you. November 7, 2017
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The state of an object in which it is in pieces and no longer in its whole form. Most of the times when an object is broken, it cannot function properly anymore (example: a vase that has been dropped on the floor and is now shattered).

A common belief exists around the world that broken things need to be fixed. Sometimes, they can't (or won't) comprehend that some broken things cannot, or should not be fixed.

Some broken objects are only bothered to be fixed, because the fixer believes that some good will come out of it being functionable again.

Not just physical things can break. Non-tangent things like a person's resolve can end up broken after a traumatic event (i.e. my heart).
Is it possible to die of a broken heart? I've always wondered.
by oh dear, I'm nothing to you. November 9, 2017
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The acronym of a video game named World of Warcraft, which is basically an America simulator. There will never be a zone without a killing/grinding quest, except for Moonglade or something like that.

p.s. I'm a legal citizen of America
by oh dear, I'm nothing to you. November 7, 2017
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A phobia is a fear of something of a general area - i.e. Arachnophobia is the fear of spiders, not just being afraid of specific spiders like the Black Widow or Tarantula. Phobias can range from slight panic attacks when overwhelmed in a crowd, to not being willfully strong enough to leave your house.

Some phobias can be rational or irrational. Phobias can also be caused by a personal experience, such as how I gained a phobia of emotional attachment to people.
by oh dear, I'm nothing to you. November 9, 2017
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A cry or chant that is taken up in battle, usually right before one army/force charges the other. Battle cries are meant to stir up the hearts of soldiers, to inspire them and remind them what they're fighting for: their homes, their families, their people, their freedom, or their glory.

Sometimes a battle cry could be a meaningful phrase (i.e. "Andu-falah-dor", which means "Let balance be restored"), but other times it could be just an unintelligible, fearsome shout.
"LEEEEEEEROYYYY JJJJJJJJJJENNNKINS!" is an example of a battle cry.
by oh dear, I'm nothing to you. November 9, 2017
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