12 definitions by ocius1

1. A risky act of revenge, committed because the need for revenge is greater than the need for self-preservation.
2. Something you do to get back at someone, even though you know that it will be damaging to you in the end.
Marion: Our organization has an intern working at the White House!
Rob: I hope her name isn't Monica.
Marion: Not to worry, it's a guy.
Scott: Don't forget Hillary! She's probably up for a little political revengicide!
by ocius1 May 16, 2009
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A combination homo-hawk (or faux-hawk) and comb-over for follically-challenged gay guys. The remaining strands are combed to the centre from both sides, covering the bald spot and creating a weak homo-hawk at the same time.
Rob: Hey, Colin's homo-hawk is looking a little sparse these days.
Aaron: Yeah it's really more of a comb-o-hawk now.

Eva: Look at that guy's hair! It's kind of a double comb-over into the centre.
Peter: Comb-o-hawk!
by ocius1 May 14, 2009
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When someone kills and then uses an insanity defence.
Mayuko: Did you hear about the Tampa mom who shot her teenage kids for being mouthy?
Phil: What the?
Mayuko: Yeah she said that she snapped but it turns out she had it all planned.
Phil: Good luck using the premedicated murder defence.

Noriko: That Greyhound bus beheading guy was totally crazy don't you think?
Paul: Yeah, premedicated murder for sure.
by ocius1 February 5, 2011
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A aggressive dude with too much testosterone in his system. Usually found bullying others or being overly loud and aggressive while watching sporting events. Often, but not necessarily, seen wearing sports paraphernalia.

Rick: Geez, does that guy have to overreact to every play? I almost jumped out of my skin! It's not even a first down for Christ's sake!

Maggie: Testo-boy.

Vagrant: Hey! City boy! You probably voted for Bush didn't you? Hey! I'm talking to you asshole!

Scott (under his breath to Mary): Testo-boy.

Mary: Don't make eye contact.
by ocius1 November 4, 2009
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Alternate name for the black-capped chickadee. Named after Nelson Muntz, the bully on the Simpsons with the lackadasical and mocking laugh: "Ha-ha." The black-capped chickadee has two songs, the familiar 'chick-a-dee-dee-dee!' and a song that sounds like Nelson's 'Ha-ha." laugh. Listen here: http://www.learnbirdsongs.com/birdsong.php?id=12
Chris: Hey! That bird sounds just like Nelson on the Simpsons!
Mary: Yeah, that's The Nelson Bird! I think it's real name is the chickadee.
by ocius1 April 22, 2009
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