2 definitions by observant

What most people that make basher entries on urbandictionary.com seem to lack.
Random makes some shallow closed minded entry, usually about others, see emo, hXe, scene to name a few and thinks it makes him someone.
by observant April 25, 2005
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Word that overly sensitive non-Christian people use to take the prefix "Christ" out of Christmas. That would be like Christians referring to Hanukkah as x-ukkah, or saying x-dha instead of Buddha. It's pretty stupid and people should just use the correct term. No one says you have to believe in order to write or pronounce an important holiday for a certian group of people correctly.
You're invited to an x-mas party at my place in mid-town.
how about...
You're invited to a Christams party at my place in mid-town.
or better yet..
You're invited to a holiday party at my place..
by observant December 1, 2004
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