9 definitions by nypaliguy

Hooking up with a former virgin who just broke up with their first lover.
Guy1: Yo I heard you were trying to hook up with Whitney. It's not happening, she's been with Jack since middle school!

Guy2: Na man she finally broke up with him, I just got her Off-Lease.

Guy1: Wow, you know you will either end up as her rebound guy or marry her right?
by nypaliguy September 17, 2009
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When the occupants of an apartment on a higher floor with steps leading to the door, stores many things on their steps as though its temporary, however the habits become permanent and unsafe. Usually consisting of shoes, umbrellas, bookbags, toys, groceries, etc.
Person1: Need help with those bags?
Person2: Sure , just bring them upstairs
Person1: Uh I would but all your damned step storage is in the way
by nypaliguy September 9, 2009
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When you take such a nasty shit that you have to take off all your clothes just to handle it.
Friend1: Yo where were you? You're 20 minutes late, and your shirt is untucked!

Friend2 (Nude Shitter): Sorry man I was putting my clothes back on in the bathroom, I had mexican food earlier and had to take a huge naked shit!
by nypaliguy November 9, 2009
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The act of re-assuring someone everything will be ok and no need to panic.
Example 1:

Guy1: This project is so complex, we need a full review of the detail! This isn't going to work.
Guy2: What the hell is with that guy?
Guy3: Don't worry, he just needs some Ass Patting, I'll buy him lunch later.

Example 2:

Employee: How come you never make any time for me?
Boss: OK Sorry whatsup?
Employee: My office chair hurts my back, bla bla bla.
Boss (In thought): *Man i'm so sick of this guy needing so much ass patting. I can't wait till we downsize him.*
Boss: I'll take care of that, keep up the good work!
by nypaliguy January 21, 2010
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T.W.A.B. - (Time Wasting Ass Bitch). A seemingly single female (usually in a nightclub, lounge, or bar) who would pretend to be interested, and take up most of your night , only to find out she is unavailable or not interested.
Example 1:
Guy 1 : Hey i'm going to talk to that tall blonde with the big boobs
Guy 2: Don't waste your time on that T.W.A.B.

Example 2:
Guy 1: Yo man I spoke to that chick all night and she didn't even give me her number
Guy 2: I told you she was a T.W.A.B.!
by nypaliguy July 30, 2009
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To get promoted up by getting into bed / sleeping with the bosses
Female Employee 1: Diana just got promoted to managing director!

Female Employee 2: Wow she's really climbing the corporate ladder.
Female Employee 3: Yea more like CLIMAXING the corporate ladder! She's the company Slut!
by nypaliguy June 25, 2010
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To squint your eyes from simple daylight, after being inside all day.

Usually being inside consists of surfing the internet, texting all day, or watching TV. First glance of daylight usually comes from opening a window shade, or your door.
Guy1 (outside at 2pm): Yo Bob! Open the door! I'm outside!

Guy2 (daylight squinting out the window): WTF man you didn't call!
by nypaliguy January 20, 2010
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