3 definitions by nunyobussiness

To stuff your face with food with out chewing or taking a breath, just inhaling it.
Amy: I think I'm going to get some left-over pie."

Daniel: "Woop, to late. Payton gobbled that that whole thing down an hour ago."

Amy: "...Danmm"
by nunyobussiness July 27, 2011
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Augusta is the capital city of Maine. The state all the way North East of the United Sates of America.
Jack: What's the capital of Georgia?

Drake: Oh, I know this one! Augusta!

Jack: Dude, it's Maine!
by nunyobussiness July 27, 2011
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Slurry way of saying "don't know". People either say it like that when they're feeling to lazy to speak properly or don't want to speak at all.
Another reason is because they think it's cool to use slang and miss-pronounce everything.
Example 1

Peter: "Yo comin' to da party ta-night?!"

Jase: " Dun kno mann,think imma be somewhier!"

Example 2

Hailey: "Hey, do you know where I put my keys? I had them just a-"

Carlos: "Dun know..(walks away)"
by nunyobussiness July 27, 2011
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