1 definition by nogoodnames

v adj n. to voluntarily suspend a person's beliefs or thought process, in a shadow of doubt that everything they once adhered to was either bullshit or biased. This act usually incures the reciever to experience uncharacterized behavior or reasoning for any amount of time. Depending on where/how they were raised promotes longevity or eventual acceptance of said new philosophies or rationale.
This requires the producer to be well versed and most times either high(ly accredited) or drunk.

it can be induced with stronger force when reciever is under the influence as well.
*note: the grammatically correct but pointless dash between the two words is removed for extra umph!
adj. so-and-so from work sat there speechless after my soul crushing comment.

n. I did some wicked soul crushing last night on some narrowed-minded ladies last night, they didn't know how to react after I quoted thier own book on them.

v. You are soul crushing him with your philosophical talk!
by nogoodnames June 29, 2010
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