3 definitions by nogoodie2shoes

1. A seafaring, swashbuckling, rum-guzzling, booze-smuggling, freebooting, filibustering, far-marauding, trespassing, sabre-rattling, word-cursing, gold-toothing, eye-patching, peg-legging, commandeering, vagabonding, bootlegging, buccaneering, highway-robbing, wave-raiding, booty-looting-plundering-and/or-pilfering-brigand. Occasional irritant to pre-industrial world trade and international shipping, see Captain Phillips. A person considered sinful and immoral by European colonial empires that engaged in the slave trade and ethnic cleansing. A dangerous criminal, unless enlisted on our side, and then known as a Buccaneer, a Corsair or a Privateer.
2. An original Pastafarian, as mentioned in the Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, one of the Chosen People, the precursors to the modern Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
3. The sworn enemy and worst nightmare of a Ninja, to which a Pirate is always incalculably superior.
4. A saintly computer programmer, making expensive intellectual property free through their Bay.
5. An evil, profiteering, fat-cat, corporate, commie, big-wig thief, freebooting online content for its ad revenue at the creator's expense
6. CAPTAIN, Jack Sparrow.
"Do what you want, 'cause a pirate is free,
Yar har, fiddle di dee,
Being a pirate is alright to be,
Do what you want 'cause a pirate be free,
You are a pirate!"

"Why join the Navy . . . if you can be a pirate?" - Steve Jobs

by nogoodie2shoes December 5, 2015
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1. Invisible lines that appear on maps and globes, decided by monarchs, rich people, lawyers and businessmen, usually right after sending most of the nation's young men to a grisly death in battle and letting their starving widows and children foot the bill.
2. Edges, fringes or extremes.
3. A crappy chain of US bookstores that fully embody 1. and 2.
4. Things that don't hold back the world's smartest, toughest and bravest doctors, who operate 'without' them.

5. Truck stops on EU roads. See Schengen.
Person 1: Whoa, it looks like Borders is coming across the border soon!
Person 2: Really?! That's bordering in insane!
Person 1: They claim some of their profits go to Doctors Without Borders
by nogoodie2shoes December 6, 2015
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1. Noun. A large glass bowl piece of a bong, filled with marijuana and/or tobacco, that is intended to be smoked by taking one single continuous hit/rip of the bong.

2. Verb. The act of smoking the entire contents of the bowl piece of a bong in one single continuous hit/rip of the bong.

3. Verb, past. Very high on marijuana and/or tobacco. (Chedded)

Origin: Originating in Montreal circa 2015 from the acronym C. H. E. D. meaning "Clear Hits Every Day", a slogan encouraging the daily binging of marijuana and/or tobacco. A "clear hit" was understood as the smoking of the entire contents of a bong's bowl piece, usually marijuana or tobacco, in a single hit of the bong. The act of performing a "clear hit", with aspirations to do so daily, became known as "hitting a ched" and eventually "chedding". There is no relationship between this term and the word "cheddar" or any other kind of cheese.
1. John: Dude, are you coming? We have to go!
Jack: Yeah, I'm coming. I'm just gonna hit this ched!

2. John: Dude, are you coming? We have to go!
Jack: Yeah, I'm coming. I'm just going to ched!

3. Jack: Woah! What happened to Maria?
John: Oh, she was just super chedded! She hit too many cheds and she needed to lay down.

1. John: This bowl piece is so enormous! It's going be so hard to hit a ched!
Jack: I bet you'll be super high though! C'mon man! Clear Hits Every Day!
by nogoodie2shoes February 22, 2018
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