23 definitions by nobodythatuneedtobeconcernedwith

the cheap substitute for a date, usually considered better in bed because they lie perfectly still and never get their partner and them selves caught by moaning loudly.*note biting the blow up doll on the shoulder during sex is not advised due to the chances that u will pop ur "partner"*
Instead of dating real girls Jason took to sleeping with blow up dolls.
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that annoying thing that wakes u up in the middle of the night just because ur idiot friend broke up with her loser boyfriend.
i hate my phone i hate my phone i hate my phone!
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the act of choking and a mans testicals and loosing air due to the large ball of pubic hair lodged in ones throat.
Molly's grandfather died of sac-affixiation
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the effect of sleeping with a hooker with crabs, by the next morning after the encounter the male realizez that the head of his genitals has broken off inside the hooker
After a night of painful sloppy sex Freddy noticed that he had come down with headdisapearance.
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those little crunchy white things they serve in chinese resturaunts with everything.
Susie ate the fried cat balls with her Pu PU platter thinking they were some sort of vegetable.
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the act of one shoving their penis up inside another persons nasal cavity and attempting to have sex with it
Sally had to go to the hospital on account of her boyfriend got drunk the previous night and had given her a failed nasalectomy.
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