165 definitions by nlolhere

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Guy 1: Why did you copy and paste the entire Urban Dictionary submission page?

Guy 2: No idea.
by nlolhere May 28, 2020
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The number you accidentally type when you try to type exclamation marks and accidentally let go of Shift too early.
Person 1: “Omg!!!1”
Person 2: “you typed a 1 at the end”
Person 1: “Dammit
by nlolhere August 4, 2020
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short for nicotine, the stuff that’s in cigs and vapes
Ay my man you smoking nic?
by nlolhere July 14, 2020
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How Urban Dictionary staff express their left-wing political beliefs. Not like that’s bad or anything. But still.
The Word of the Day nowadays is usually something against Trump, against the cops, or in support of the protests and/or BLM
by nlolhere June 9, 2020
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someone who doesn’t have a gun or another weapon on them. opposite of armed
The victim was unarmed at the time of the murder
by nlolhere June 25, 2020
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