14 definitions by nj

to brew one nasty ass fart and then pull down your pants and place your sweet ass on your friends face and let er rip.......
To initiate this friendship....I would like to offer you a pressed ham.....
by nj April 27, 2003
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Any of the numerous low-quality brands of cola found in supermarkets and Costco, hence the name
"Pepsi Vanilla tastes like a Costcoke verison of Vanilla Coke.
by nj September 18, 2003
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a dumb slut who takes it in the butt, he's not good at anything but being a dirty tramp
by nj April 10, 2003
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Term used to refer to the ugly chick in a group of females. This group is one that normally can be expected to contain only beautiful females, but an ugly one is added as a politically correct gesture.
The one ugly cheerleader. The one ugly stewardess.
by nj December 19, 2003
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a dumb little slut named kristen who cant add, read, or do anything right. hobbies include being a complete loser, and occasionaly being a total retard
by nj April 10, 2003
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An exclamation to be used when something really good has happened
"I just got an A on my test. Check plus!"
by nj February 23, 2006
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1. Freedom
2. Coming from France, a country in Western Europe that some Americans find it necessary to make up facts about ("duuuh..the french lose in every war the fight..huhuhuh") because they don't act inferior to the US.
"If you type in 'French Military Victories' in Google, it says "Did You mean 'French Military Defeats'?"
"Not really, it was just some guy that knew how to use Photoshop"
by nj April 27, 2003
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