12 definitions by nine

A very beautiful girl, with a wide personality. Kerris’s Have different friend groups constantly, and are usually very snarky. If you know a Kerris they will be loyal for a few years and then forget about you. Usually insecure and take the style of their best friend, and they hate it when a boy likes them. Sometimes rude to their parents to get what they want.
Dude:who do you like?
Dude #2:kerris
Dude:be careful she might leave you after 2 days
by nine January 14, 2018
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A Para Para dancer dancing in cosplay.
That Paralist in the Naga costume is doing cospara!
by nine January 9, 2004
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"Unchi ikitai kara hayaku pasu wo sain shite~~!!" (I have go crap so hurry up and sign my pass!)
by nine October 13, 2003
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I stole a pair of her panties and they were full of duck butter.
by nine February 18, 2004
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To squash your sack and semi hard penis against a window/glass surface.
My parents were having a party outside, so i dropped my shorts and gave 'em a pressed chicken
by nine February 18, 2004
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