10 definitions by nighthawk41

Bruce willis was born on the moon before the dawn of time. He was the love child between chuck norris and a ninja. Over his life he has accomplished many tasks including going back in time to stop a time paradox from occuring, forming Pantera, and his acting career which he is most famous for. In his acting career he is most noted in the autobiography Die Hard. However they had to change his name from Bruce Willis to John Mclaine because if people knew that Bruce Willis actually pulled that shit off, their eyes would explode and they would piss out their liquified innards for months. Other real-life biographies include, Rambo 4, the Evil Dead series, every george romero movie that DOESN'T suck, and the star wars series as Darth Vader, except instead of being either a whiney kid or an emo teenager, he was actually a viking, and instead of Obi Wan kicking his ass, Bruce takes his lightsaber and gouges out both of his eyes, and force feeds them down his throat. Due to this change, instead of episodes IV, V, and VI being nothing but him chopping off baby heads and eating everyne like it was supposed to, it turned out to be a long, complex trilogy which still kicked ass but still should have been bruce willis eating people. However, George Lucas was in charge and he decided to go with his idea. Bruce Willis got pissed and kicked his ass so hard after episodes 1 2 and 3 came out that he sent him back in time 30 years and was forced to write episodes 4 5 and 6 back then instead.

It is common knowledge that every time Bruce Willis says "Yippee-kai-yay mother fucker," and emo gets sodomized with a jack hammer.
There are rumors that Bruce Willis created a sucky jazz album. However these accusations are false. He actually released the first version of Reign In Blood by Slayer, but it was decided that the album was so hardcore that people would die in gruesome ways upon hearing Bruce's kickass guitar playing, and thus hired the slayer we see today as the composers of the album. The sucky jazz album was actually just Kenny G trying to fuck up Bruce's career. Bruce is planning his immense ass-kicking as we speak.
by nighthawk41 May 29, 2008
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While they are whored out by Hot Topic, and most of their fans are goth posers with tripp pants, they are actually a pretty good horror punk band.
When I say horror punk, don't expect horror punk along the lines of Misfits, which is typical rock driven by guitar, bass and drums. They are actually driven by synth drums, and two keyboardists that go by the pseudonyms Curtis RX, and Erik X, with Curtis doing vocals. Their name comes from a generic title for horror shows broadcast on local U.S. television stations throughout the 1960s, 70s and 80s.
They do a very good job of capturing the feeling old b-horror movies gave off. Their lyrics reflect such subject matters as Zombies (Aim For The Head), being buried alive (Buried Alive (duh)), and probably one of my favorite songs by them is Gorey Demise, which features a meeting of monsters going through the obituaries in alphabetical order.
Sadly, their image is being ruined, so many old school punk fans will call them posers, especially horror punk fans, and never give them a chance. But I encourage any fan of horror and punk to go and check them out. Their debut album was released a while ago. It is called "The Greatest Show Unearthed." Buy it, and keep an open mind.
Creature Feature aren't really over-rated, just whored out.
by nighthawk41 March 12, 2009
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Better than Captain Kirk. Mastered the art of Facepalming.
Not to say Captain Kirk isn't cool. But bitch, Captain Picard has the X-Men on his side.
by nighthawk41 May 8, 2009
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Another example of a great comedian being absolutely ruined by 13 year olds constantly quoting his routine in an effort to be funny. Also see Dave Chappelle.
13 year old: SILENCE! I KILL YOU!
Other guy: You know what the difference between you and Jeff Dunham is? You're not Jeff Dunham. So shut up.
by nighthawk41 January 7, 2010
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A 1997 Austrian film directed by Michael Haneke, later re-made shot for shot by the same director in an effort to expand to an American audience.
The movie is really disturbing, and it'll make an effort to get inside your mind and play with your expectations. The movie follows a family of 3 on vacation in their summer home. Two boys (whose identities are intentionally altered throughout the film) torture them for their own amusement. It's a cut-and-paste concept, but what makes it stand out is its unique approach, as it is directly toying with the audience's expectations, and watching this family suffer was really one of the most disturbing movie experiences I've had in a while.
There's very little music in the movie. The soundtrack involves only a few opera songs, and a grindcore song called Bonehead by Naked City. While I dislike grindcore, the song is used very well in the movie.

Elitists will tell you that the American version is terrible, and there was no point in remaking it. I personally don't like shot-for-shot remakes, but unlike remakes like Psycho, which are made purely to make money off of the name, Haneke remade Funny Games in America because he saw it as more of an American story. I like the two guys who played Peter and Paul in the American version better, although Naomi Watts is actually a bit irritating to me. Check out both versions, and form your own opinions.
Funny games- you either love it or you hate it. Some people might not even be able to make it through the movie.
Paul: "So, what do you want to do? You want to call someone? An ambulance, or the police? I won't stop you. Neither will Tom. Right, Tom? Well, what are you waiting for?"
by nighthawk41 January 19, 2010
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A song written by the Ramones on their 1984 album "Too Tough To Die." The song is about New York City and the mischief (or "danger") caused typically by punk teenagers. (Kids find trouble so easily) Most notably the mischief includes drugs (Our playground is a pharmacy), and alcohol. (You love whine like they love cash).
"What song are we doing?"
"Danger Zone"
"ah, ready?
*song kicks off*
by nighthawk41 June 12, 2008
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The short answer to the question "what did you think of the Dark Knight?"

Refers to one of the most memorable moments in the movie.
"Hey, what did you think of the Dark Knight?"
"Pencil trick."
by nighthawk41 March 5, 2009
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