20 definitions by night prawler

a slang to call lebanese christians as it being a very common christian name in lebanon
hey sarkis , how ya been.......
by night prawler May 20, 2005
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a slang used to describe doing a very big & stinky crap in the toilet
man i gota go do a boris bog right now!
by night prawler May 20, 2005
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a derogatory term used at people whos origins are from india, pakistan, bangladesh & sri lanka
by night prawler May 20, 2005
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a famous phrase.
also a form of mocking a person of indian, pakistani, bangladeshi or sri lankan backgrounds
by night prawler May 21, 2005
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slang used to call someone who is of indian, pakistani, bangladeshi or sri lankan backgrounds, because of their similar backgrounds but most importantly their unmistakable associations to curry.
ie. they smell like curry, their houses smell like curry, all from eating curry all the time, as the smell of the curry seeps into the walls of the house and into their clothes and belongings inside their house.
there's a big problem with indians pakistanis etc. trying to find houses and apartments for rent in western countries because the landlords are scared they are going to stink up the house of curry, and they will find it hard to get tenants in the future as it is almost impossible to fully get rid of the smell inside the house, as the smell would have sunk into everything in the house, and the landlord would have to take everything out of the house and throw alot of stuff away and have paint all the walls and cubpoards in the kitchen.
look at that curry muncher!
by night prawler May 21, 2005
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an australian slang for government housing commision homes
they need to get rid of all the housoes around here and move them out far west.
by night prawler May 20, 2005
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the turks left over from the ottoman empire in the balkans. to be precise, they are in these particular countries: greece, bulgaria, romania, bosnia-hercegovina, macedonia & albania. balkan turks are not to be confused with the slavic or albanian muslims of the balkans, even though it is a slang in the balkans to call them a turk
those annoying balkan turks, they should of went back to turkey when the ottoman empire left the balkans
by night prawler May 20, 2005
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