24 definitions by niggasense

tech n9ne is a beast rapper from kansas city
he has an incredible flow and pretty unique beats
here comes tecca nina
by niggasense February 27, 2005
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a tech metal band who is known for their use of polyrythms and polymetrics. their music is harsh and often sounds inhuman and machine-like.
well known songs include "new millenium cyanide christ" and "future breed machine"
by niggasense August 21, 2005
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1. the sexual act of inserting a penis into someones anus and repetedly thrusting.

2. a mexican wearing a teacup as a hat
1. me and megan were having buttsex last night since i forgot my jimi hat

by niggasense May 2, 2005
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to put it bluntly, the act of face fucking
i was having irrumatio last night, its even better then fellatio!
by niggasense May 2, 2005
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the least diverse high school known to man.
the place is full of white preppy kids and asians who think theyre black.
the teachers are hard as balls. it doesnt fucking make sense.
everyone at tj thinks im fucked up because i listen to music about killing people
by niggasense February 26, 2005
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the sport of dinosaurs. lifting the most weight in the bench press, squat and deadlift is the name of the game.
chucks are the shoe of the sport
the record bench press for a powerlifter is 1005#
by niggasense May 2, 2005
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yo my nigga, thas some money.

check out project pats "ghetty green" nigga, that should straighten yo azz
nigga, im all out for that ghetty green. u aint shit without it nigga.
by niggasense June 2, 2004
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