14 definitions by niggamac

A slang word used when one is in agreement with something or someone. Basically has the same meaning as "hell yea" or "fucking-A."
Person A: "That guy can be such an asshole sometimes."
Person B: "Freakin a."
by niggamac September 18, 2006
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n. Used to describe a black male's penis. The word is derived from both the length of the genitalia, and the promiscuousness of which African American males are known for and the STDs they may carry. The serpent; black mamba is known for is deadliness. Thus in the term "black mamba," deadly consequences are possibly brought to those who allow the snake into their den, so to speak.
He might have a black mamba.
by niggamac July 7, 2006
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n. A slang term for an African Amercian. The word is derived from the typical feature of blacks which have kinky hair.
Look at that carpethead nigger!
by niggamac July 6, 2006
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(n) The unborn offspring of a homosexual male from the end of the eighth week after conception (between a sperm and feces) up to the time of birth which normally occurs through the anus.
After being troubled for many weeks, Robbie decided to abort the fecus after the first trimester.
by niggamac May 13, 2008
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