186 definitions by nicole

A group of kids who dress in what they want to wear, just like every other labeled group. This group of kids though get more discriminated against because they wear certain brands of clothing like Abercrombie, AE, and Hollister. People judge them as sluts just because most of them look good in revealing clothes and like to wear whatever they want, but um how would these people call them sluts if they know nothing about them? A normal group of kids with just different likes than all the other cliques.
Preps are just like all the other cliques, just with different interests.
by nicole August 8, 2004
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The sweat that drips off your balls when you're caught fucking your cousin!
Last night I had some major relative humidity!
by nicole December 14, 2003
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mercedes the popular girl's definition is all anyone needs to figure out why everyone hates the "popular girls." Most people who think they are "popular" are only that because they believe it. Normally, everyone hates popular girls, there are some exceptions, but not many.
Popular girl 1: Lyke, Oh mi gawd!!Did you see TRL yesterday?
Popular girl 2: Hellz yes!! That new Yellowcard video is like, so fetch!!111
by nicole December 1, 2004
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"aye bro, youre going to go see that new scary movie?"
by nicole July 2, 2012
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-to dismiss someone
-when someone stretches something that used to be funny to the point where it isnt (killed it)
-I'm Janey, and I have buck teeth and I kinda smell like raggedy cabbage.
-.....Alright, you're retired.

-Dude, it's retired. You fuckin killed it
by nicole April 20, 2004
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A gift-giving game whereby participants are able to select a gift from the pool but run the risk of having it stolen if another participant on their subsequent selection turn decides they want it!
by nicole December 15, 2003
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best friend, generally the ultimate best friend

derived from the word bffl
Elendea is my biff, we have known each other for 6 years.
by nicole June 15, 2006
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