4 definitions by nick cal

The worst kind of music thought up by a human being. A disgrace to the word METAL.
Mike: I hate Hair Metal.

Bill: Yea, it sucks.

Mike: Lets go listen to some Iron Maiden.

Bill: Yea, good plan.
by nick cal October 9, 2006
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a.k.a. the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. A secret southern-society active for several years after the Civil War. Aimed to suppress the new "freedom" of the blacks and other religions. Advocated white supremacy, anti-Catholicism, homophobia among many other things
Where long white robes and tall white hoods to represent the ghosts of Confederate Army. Usually burn the Christian cross as a sign of intimidation and a sign of faith. Mainly died out during the Great Depression. Idiots that hated alomst everything.
-Let's join the KKK!
-Cause I'm a moron!!
by nick cal October 10, 2006
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Sunday school teacher: And on that day he created the universe...

Kid with a brain: Where did God live if there was no universe?

Sunday school teacher: He, uh, he...(head explodes)
by nick cal October 10, 2006
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Me: Pick out those twigs and berries.
by nick cal December 16, 2006
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