13 definitions by nicest terrorist

to put m-80s into an egg and hide it so when your kid finds it, the explosion will show why denver is a city and key bank is a bank
i hid an easter bomb and the first one to det it will become burnt and smarter
by nicest terrorist December 24, 2008
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someone who is all happy and runs into k mart at 4 am on black friday. they buy themselves a yearly supply of twinkies, cakes, and other food fat people eat. in downtown they scream at trash and cars and they faint when they stand up. next time you see one of them be sure to bring twinkies to throw so they will not eat you
why is there fat freaks in every mcdonalds?
by nicest terrorist December 24, 2008
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Purple Fluid is a Denver rock band formed in 2008. They are a 13-15 year old band making them ahead of their time. They have played concerts throughout Denver. The band has a bassist, drummer, two guitars and is in search of a singer. They opened for the punk band The Frantix in 2008
I saw Purple Fluid at Wax Trax. They were amazing for their age.
by nicest terrorist April 24, 2009
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when a woman grinds your leg while you choke on a dick
i'm about to grank this lard ass
by nicest terrorist April 19, 2009
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to shove a pinecone into someones ass and throw them into a cactus
dude i gave frank a crusty nagtooth and now he is constupated
by nicest terrorist December 28, 2009
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