1 definition by nhutt

Fowling is a recreational sport played by the coolest people in the world. You throw a football towards bowling pins that are placed on a board at a distance of 48 feet apart. The goal is to knock all ten pins down. It is more difficult than it looks or sounds. It is known as "the sport of kings". Created in the early 2000's, fowling is growing in popularity, and is most commonly found at tailgates. The biggest fowling event is held at the Indy 500 "coca cola lot" on the saturday before the race. Last year, a record high of 62 teams of two participated in the "super fowl saturday" tournament. It has been rumored that even Chuck Norris loves to fowl. The official fruit of fowling is the cherry. The game was invented by mere accident, by three beer drinking men named Chutt, John Von Mack, and Mr. Skip. Fowling has even also raised money for charity! If you would like to be one of the coolest people in the world, and join in on the fun!
I can't wait to go fowling tonight!

I'd rathar be fowling!
by nhutt February 4, 2010
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