26 definitions by naomi

Comes from the first episode of sex & the city.

A combination of the expressions "absolutely" and "fuck yeah" (absofuckinglutely) that means a very firmative yes
Carrie asks Mr. Big if he's ever been in love and he says "absofuckinglutely."

Big often used this term.
by naomi December 26, 2005
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i hang out in dorms 'cuz i'm a chestuh.

i buy my clothes at the "children's place" 'cuz i'm a chestuh.

i look at girls young enough to be my grandaughter 'cuz i'm a chestuh.
by naomi February 5, 2005
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A long-running Bristish music festival, which happens once a year in the summer for three days. The weather is typically rainy and the ground is often muddy. Magic Mushrooms are popular there.
"Man, I got so fucked on shrooms at glasto"
by naomi June 27, 2004
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Probably one of the most confident (and yes, I admit, a little abnoxious) rock stars of the new millenium. He has an awsome voice, a somewhat sexy body and is mos def creative. Up All Night is AWSOME!!!!!!!! Underneath all that confidence is a truly sweet person.
by naomi February 28, 2005
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Giant, rotund gluteus maximus. Generally so enormous that to cross it's path could mean being squashed to the point of death. Warning: Keep a safe distance of 10 feet minimum between you and the unruly beast!
Family Guy: Brian encounters Peter in the kitchen doorway barely squeezes by stating "Wow, ASS-A-HOY!"
by naomi February 4, 2005
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When a homosexual or bisexual "comes out" (of the closet) and then changes their mind and pretends to be straight again. From "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" by C.S Lewis, where you go in the wardrobe (closet) to get to Narnia.
"What happened to your ex, Naomi?"

"Oh, she went back to Narnia."
by naomi January 23, 2005
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when someone is hot with the cops
Yo, stop bein such a hotbox, put that shit away.
by naomi December 6, 2003
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