4 definitions by n7of9

Robert Pattinson, a 23 year old English actor best known recently for his role as Edward Cullen in the 2008 movie, Twilight...so fucking hot a new word had to be invented (also pronounced UNF)
Goddamnit that Robward Cullenson is just fuckhot, there is no other word to describe him! UNF!
by n7of9 May 20, 2009
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Robert Pattinson, a 23 year old English actor best known recently for his role as Edward Cullen in the 2008 movie, Twilight

An amalgamation of his real name and the Twilight character's name
Girl 1: Who do you prefer? Robert Pattinson or Edward Cullen?

Girl 2: Are you freakin kidding me? Who the hell could choose? No way!

Girl 1: Yeah, if only men were all Robward Cullenson, we'd all be happy
by n7of9 May 20, 2009
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(a) The spontaneous and sudden pooling of erotic fluid within a woman's vag and panties upon seeing or hearing something which instantly turns her on. First seen online in mid-2009 on social networking site Livejournal in reference to the worldwide phenomenon of women lusting after Robert Pattinson.

(b) The female equivalent of sper.
RPattz - his capacity for vag liquification spans continents
by n7of9 July 26, 2009
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Robert Pattinson, a 23 year old English actor best known recently for his role as Edward Cullen in the 2008 movie, Twilight, so sexy a new word had to be invented (also pronounced UNF)
phhwoooar that boy Robert Pattinson is sex on legs, we need a new word for how sexy he is!...and Robsex was born
by n7of9 May 20, 2009
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