11 definitions by myspace.com/allthatheavenallows

to rub shit upon ones upper lip, (see dirty sanchez)
I gave the bitch a naughty gomez after i ate taco bell and DAYMN that shit was funky, i almost felt bad for her.
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Popeye's term in reference to Olive Oyl's vagina
Well blow me down, I thought that Olive's pussky was the Sea Hag!
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Slang for when a man's prostate is being stimulated and he ejaculates onto a rodent.
Bill pulled the moletrigger on Harry the hamster.
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When a women has a yeast infection and does not take care of it with prescription ointment, OR when a women has a venereal disease of any sort and does not wash that twat frequently.
Yo man, I got desperate yesterday, I called Sharice and ate the troutmuffin, that shit was NAAAAASSSTTYYYYYY
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Inserting your penis into a woman's orafice with no rubber.
Andrew fucked tigger rawdog last night in the rump.
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a any female sanitary napkin that has been used enough to be discarded.
The other day I tripped on a tramp napkin walking on the streets, it was all bloody and funky and shit and it fucked up my shoes.
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When a women is on her rag (period) and she queefs and blood spatters upon her undergarments or anything that is near at the time being.
Cindy was flowin and i pulled out and she atomic heinzed all over my walls and it looked like someone committed suicide.
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