11 definitions by mung

When, in preparation for coitus, a man applies chewing tobacco to the skin of his erect penis, whereupon the receptive sexual partner smasms from the tobacco- thus leading to a very niceorgasm for the man (though it stings a bit)
She didn't even see it coming, but when I slipped her the cajun hot stick, her ass clamped down like a bear trap.
by mung April 25, 2003
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a newspaper focusing on gay issues
the village voice is the only mainstream fag rag- i can't even count the pics of chicks with dicks in there
by mung April 26, 2003
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The second worst suburb in Sydney behind Kingsgrove. Loftus is a naturally occuring cesspool where rare breeds of rodents multiply and flourish.
One day, i was walking around in the shire and suddenly, i found i was lost in Loftus!! it took me 3 and a half days to find another person. and he didn't have a phone. it took me another 2 whole weeks to find a phone. then i was rescued
by mung June 12, 2004
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the genetic combination of a rooster and false teeth
number one... that is offensive and....... i am not a cockbite...
by mung February 19, 2004
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The mating call made by a rare breed of animal known as the 'Spaniard-cubanius oldus grandmadios' Repeated several time during takeoff this high pitched whine scares away most of its prey. It usually flaps its wings while screaming at the top of its lungs and running in circles. This species is usually found in sub-tropical areas in surrounding publix supermarkets and enjoys to instigate fights, enter prohibited areas, and mumbling prayers to those who listen. Be wary of its painfull bite, like a shark this animal leaves in teeth in its prey and can always bother its medical insurance for a new pair. This creature is deaf by its own choice and improves its eyesight one eye at a time.
Devoted workaholic. Loves publix supermarkets.
Experts on this animal suggest you run if its mating call is heard. "YAH! YAH! YAH! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!" Shortly after this sound is hear expect a sonic boom due to this animals ability to take off at supersonic speeds.
"A unsatisfied Cable Client:While watching a documentary on this animal on the Discovery channel, My TV sets speakers broke due to the Sonicboom caused by this creature after it cried out it's making call and took off at mach2"

Confusius say:"YAH YAH YAAAAAAAAAH!!!"

For more information see 'Spaniard-cubanius oldus grandmadios'
by mung August 3, 2003
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Often used in college dorm rooms in which an excesive amount of people are using up all the seats. To ensure your seat upon return from grabbing your beer you claim one word, another word, stating you kill the person who takes your seat. code of conduct.
by mung March 11, 2005
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This creature is incapable of growing its own teeth and relies on a health insurance plan to acquire a pair, Defying the natural laws of physics and most health policies this creature can reach speeds of up to mach2 after takeoff, it uses this to its advantage to constantly clean a nest, and sometimes uses its speed for tactical espionage missions which it then uses to blackmail you into submission. Resistance is futile, This stubborn creature refuses to see, or hear. After many years of training you can just then begin to domesticate this beast. It can be identified by its high-frequency calls (See 'YAH!') which it uses to see, much like a bat. It also uses these screeches as a signal for takeoff, as well as to atract mates. (see 'pepito') It usually wears a staind moomoo and folds its wings into a praying position while muttering what seem like warcries, while in this state this creature will sometimes be found laying in a fetal position. It shuffles its claws while walking as well. This 'thing' is a force to be reconed with.
While trying to steal a bag of chips from publix, The manager released his sentinal beast upon me, the feared 'Spaniard-cubanius oldus grandmadios'.
by mung August 3, 2003
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