1 definition by msugi

A type of cigarette with a sweet smelling smoke. Cloves are generally imported from indonesia, the two most prevalant brands being Djarum and Sapoerna. They typically are a harsher smoke then most normal cigarettes, being that they don't contain chemicals that cause them to be "smoother." Cloves are a mix of approx. 60% clove leaf and 40% tobacco. Although many people claim, most research has indicated that cloves are no more harmful then normal cigarettes (the misconception comes from the harsh smoke) and they typically contain fewer chemicals like those found in normal cigarettes (arsenic, cyanide, formaldihyde). Cloves also contain a chemical eugenol that mildly numbs the mouth. They are also known as kretek
Cloves aren't any worse for you then your marbolo's
by msugi October 10, 2005
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