1 definition by mrvarveru

An amazing, tall, sweet,caring girl. She tends to have big eyes and a smile that is breath taking. School is her priority. Most want to become a model or something having to do with the medical field. People call them "tati" or "anita". They fall in love easily and when they lay eyes on a guy they will stick with that guy forever. Tatiana's tend to be really strong physically and mentally. Even though she can get hurt easily. When she is quiet she is over-thinking. She is very athletic and can dance very well. Two of her best traits are her beautiful smile and the way they show affection towards the ones they love. Tatiana's are the most wonderful girls you can ever meet and lucky if you get to date one.
" you see that girl right there?"

"Yeah, and i think she might be a tatiana, she is so talland her smile shines from all the way over there"
by mrvarveru June 26, 2013
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