2 definitions by mrseano

the capital city of the rest of england. also the capital city of the mancunian republic.
wow i live there... ino u guessd tht uh"!"
by mrseano May 21, 2005
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A person of snob like nature with a narrow minded approach to everthing other than material stuff, some body hu is a posh twat is often dislicked and bitched about heavily due to their superior attitude to people they consider lower than them, they are often found in eastern areas of cheashire UK and are most concentrated in areas such as alderly edge and wilmslow. Posh Twats are in many cases the children of people who have worked hard for their money and thus havnt worked a day in their life, but some how have a BMW/auto-motive form of transport of higher value than my 1.2 corsa which i share with my gran!

Posh Twats are a minority, many americans and other members of unfree slave populations beleive (because of their stupidness) that all English people are posh twats, this in fact is itself taking a posh twat attitude and they shoud all roll over and die!!!
that howard guy is such a posh twat, if he sez any thing about my 56k internet connection agen im gona rip out his eyes and skull fuk him
by mrseano May 21, 2005
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